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Visual Design, Digital and Print

Pickfords International Government Centre Application

Pickfords tendered a pitch which required describing the outline of a user's experience in preparing for a move abroad using their Government Center Application. The App would walk each user through the process of authorisation for their international travel and move, insurance data along with all Customs and Excise restrictions and help, packaging advice, and how to track the move internationally once underway.


  • + Adobe Photoshop
  • + Adobe Illustrator
Pickfords International Mover Application Main Menu Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Relevant Forms Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Tutorial Videos Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Information Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Luggage Excess Notification Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application UK Gift Aid Notification Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Moving Date Notification Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Cost Calculator Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Additional Services Screen
Pickfords International Mover Application Move Tracker Screen